Tuesday 8 May 2007

No batteries but ultracapacitors

In the 2003 was said:

"An ultracapacitor-powered electric vehicle built by Brigham Young University students made history at the National Electric Drag Racing Association at the Las Vegas Speedway last month. Crossing the quarter-mile mark at 15.907 seconds, the highly modified electric car set a world record for modified production vehicles running more than 241 volts. The ultracapacitor functions of the vehicle were designed and built by the BYU students after General Motors donated an electrical car named "EV 1" to the university. The car had many parts missing, which provided students with the project of designing and rebuilding components of the car. "The purpose of the project was to involve students in trying to solve problems. Our goal was to see what the team could do with ultracapacitors," said Tom Erekson, director of BYU's School of Technology.".

In the 2007 Honda uses the ultracapacitor for the prototype Fuel Cell Power FCX, and the citycar ZENN will be soon powered by ultracapacitor.

Ultracapacitors charges in seconds and offer virtually infinite charging cycles, no maintenance need and an extimated life of 30 years.

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